
Rogue RF Signal Detector Drone

Project Objective: Utilized a portable transceiver to detect a rogue transmission in the field. Generated a heatmap of the search area Reduced the next search area and locate the rogue transmission source. Experimental Hardware and Software Setup: NI USRP-2920 SDR X-Star Premium Drone Ettus E312 USRP LabVIEW Communications MATLAB GNU Radio Project Outcomes: Successfully recorded...
By Sem Diaz, Edwin Torres, and Matthew Scudder | | Projects 2018

Trilateral FM Signal Locator

Project Objective: Recorded and captured 99.9 MHz FM signal and calculate its location by correlating time difference of arrival and GPS data Experimental Hardware and Software Setup: USRP-2920 SDR TERK Omnidirectional FM Antenna Sparkfun GP-20U7 GPS Antenna w/ Arduino UNO LabVIEW Communications MATLAB Project Outcomes: Successfully implemented a system that records, captures, and calculates the...
By Sean Pickman and Alan Nguyen | | Projects 2018

Wideband Spectrum Monitor

Project Objective: Interpreted the data being analyzed from the USRP in order to compare the power spectral density, given a band spectrum of radio frequencies By having the User specify a power threshold, the program will check against this number in order to save information on the frequencies that surpass the threshold. Displayed the relevant...
By Daniel Aleman, Robert Almeida, and Karla Penney | | Projects 2018